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Additional Learning Needs [ALN]

Additional Learning Needs [ALN]

Ystruth Primary School is an inclusive school. All children in the school with ALN have access to the Curriculum. Within every class there will be children with a wide range of abilities and staff prepare work to cater for the varying needs of these pupils.

The school works within the guidelines of the ALN Bill. We place a high emphasis on partnership between parents, school and child. The school provides a graduated response to the needs of the child. The majority of children’s needs will be net using our Universal Provision.

If Universal Provision cannot meet the child’s needs, then, as an initial step, the school will develop a one-page –profile in collaboration with the child and parents to establish appropriate Targeted provision, which includes an Action Plan.

If Targeted Provisions are not generating successful outcomes, we will need to conduct a Person Centred Planning Meeting with parents to establish the Focussed provision required to overcome the barrier to learning for the child. This would likely to involve contacting outside agencies to provide guidance to the school. On review of the Action Plan, using the Person Centred Planning process, the school would seek further additional advice from outside agencies. This would then generate a School Based Individual Development Plan.

Progress is reviewed regularly and decisions are made on how to proceed. This would constitute the child being supported using a School Based Individual Development Plan. If the child does not make sufficient progress, and parents and staff are still concerned, the school will refer the child to the Local Authority Additional Needs Panel to establish whether the child requires specialist provision. If the request is upheld, this would result in the Local Authority preparing and holding the child’s Individual Development Plan.

At Ystruth Primary School we are committed to working in partnership with parents and pupils in providing the best possible education for all children. Every effort is made to support all children requiring provision. This includes very talented and able children as well, who may also require additional support.

The school is on multiple levels, however, should the need arise, we would be able to accommodate pupils with disabilities as there is a lift and ramps available to move between the main parts of the building.

The Accessibility Plan seeks to deal with any such eventuality.

A copy of the ALN Policy is available on request at the office or here on the school website.