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Governing Body

Mrs. M. Miller [Headteacher]

Mrs. K. Evans [Chair of Governors: LA Appointed]

Mrs K. Beese [Vice Chair: LA Appointed]

Mrs. M. Rogers [LA Appointed]

Mr. S. Pugh [Teacher Representative]

Mrs. R. Davies [Staff Governor]

Cllr G. Morvan [Community Governor; Appointed by GB]

Mr. S. Anthony [Reserve Member: Community Governor; Appointed by GB]

Mr. M. Williams [Minor Authority]

Rev. Lorette J. Hinson [LA Appointed Governor]

Mr. R. Dunham [Non-Voting co-opted Linked Gov.]

Parent Governor Mrs. S. Jones

Parent Governor Mr. G. Kerr

Parent Governor Mr. D. Williams

Parent Governor Mrs. A. Price

Non-voting Ms. S. Stead

Ms. C. Mower [Clerk to Governors]